Church of St. Donatus

Crkva sv. Donata u Zadru
church in Zadar
#2 in Zadar / #20 in Croatia
by Böhringer Friedrich
/ CC BY-SA 2.5

The Church of St. Donatus in Zadar, Croatia, is a monumental example of early medieval architecture. Originally constructed in the 9th century, it is renowned for its pre-Romanesque circular design and impressive size. The church stands on the site of an ancient Roman forum, and its foundations incorporate remnants of Roman structures, which can still be seen today. Named after Bishop Donatus who is credited with its construction, the church was initially dedicated to the Holy Trinity but later took on the name of its founder. Though it no longer functions as a place of worship, the Church of St. Donatus is now used for various cultural events and concerts, benefiting from its excellent acoustics.


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