Dobšiná Ice Cave

Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa
show cave in Dobšiná
#2 in Dobšiná / #14 in Slovakia
by Николай Максимович
/ CC BY 3.0

Dobšiná Ice Cave, located near the town of Dobšiná in Slovakia, is one of the most remarkable ice caves in the world. Discovered in 1870, the cave is a part of the Slovak Paradise National Park and is renowned for its stunning ice formations, including massive ice columns, stalactites, and stalagmites. The cave's interior is filled with ice year-round due to its unique microclimate, making it a fascinating destination for tourists and scientists alike. In 2000, Dobšiná Ice Cave was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as part of the "Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst" site, further highlighting its global significance.


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