Huaca de la Luna

protected area in Department of La Libertad
#1 in Department of La Libertad / #26 in Peru
by Burkhard Mücke
/ CC BY-SA 4.0

Huaca de la Luna is an ancient Moche (Mochica) archaeological site located near the city of Trujillo in northern Peru. This impressive ceremonial complex, dating back to around 100-800 AD, is part of the larger Huacas de Moche complex, which includes the nearby Huaca del Sol. Huaca de la Luna served as a religious and ceremonial center for the Moche civilization and features intricate murals, impressive adobe pyramids, and plazas. The site is renowned for its well-preserved polychrome friezes that depict various Moche deities, mythological scenes, and ritualistic activities.


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