We're live!

By Pineqone 26th Dec, 2023
We're live!
by Kyle Glenn
/ Public Domain
It took almost 2 years of hard work and dedication, but we are finally here!
Travelling has been a major source for joy for me all my life and as much as I love it, planning a trip has always felt like a chore. I'm usually the one in the group who plans everything out and micromanages every step of the trip. This means I'm the one who has to make a list of all the spots we need to visit, how we would get around, what local food we should try, how much money we should bring with us... The list goes on. 
This means a lot of Google searches, a lot of forums, and a lot of bloated blog posts which say the same thing in 3 different ways just to show me more ads.
I had enough. And I believe I can't be the only one who feels this way. So I decided to do something about it and created Pineqone.com (yes, with a "Q", because proper website domains are expensive).
Pineqone is where we will try to put that all that relevant information in one place - the top attractions, the best months to visit, how to get around, what the cash/card situtation is, visa requirements, festivals, food, and much, much more. 
We've also created a Planner tool which lets you easily manage every aspect of a trip by marking what you want to see and do, budgeting for the most common expenses, writing notes, etc.
You may notice there aren't any ads anywhere on this site. This is by design, since we feel that advertising has gone a bit too far. Instead, we rely on commission when users book their accommodation, guided tours, and other services through our links. We've tried to make it as comfortable as possible - for example, when you plan a trip using the Planner, you will get an email with the entire itinerary. The email will contain links to our partners with the dates and locations pre-selected, so you don't need to worry about getting the dates wrong!
We will do our best to avoid placing ads, but even if we do at some point - it will be ads for relevant products and services that would actually be useful to our fellow travellers, not just any nonsense.
I've barely scratched the surface - many more features will be added with time. We will post future updates on this blog, X (formerly Twitter), but mostly our Reddit sub. Reddit is where we will also host discussions about new features since the goal is to make Pineqone a community-driven platform.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my mother, who has been of huge help - she helped me by going through each attraction by hand and entering the relevant data. That's more than 20 thousand entries! 
We really hope you like what we've done here. Let us know if missed something important, or we messed up somewhere, or you just like what you see.  
