
Gao, Mali
by David Sessoms from Fribourg, Switzerland
/ CC BY-SA 2.0
Planning a trip to Gao?


Climate & Best time to visit Gao

Climate in Gao:

Best time to visit Gao:

Cool Season (November to February):

  • Milder temperatures, making it more comfortable for travel.
  • Suitable for exploring historical sites and cultural attractions.

Hot Season (March to May):

  • Hot and dry weather, especially in the north.
  • Considerably less tourism and more suitable for desert excursions.

Rainy Season (June to October):

  • Higher temperatures and occasional rain.
  • The landscape is lush and green, ideal for experiencing local culture and fewer tourists.

Money & Prices

Currency in Mali:


How expensive is a trip to Gao?

Eating out:
Simple meal:
2.96 USD
Fast food meal:
4.42 USD
Mid-range meal:
9.58 USD
Bottle of water:
0.32 USD
Soft drink:
0.47 USD
1.80 USD
Local Beer:
1.84 USD
Public transport - one way ticket:
0.32 USD
Taxi - 1km:
0.62 USD
Refer to the Hotels section for the most up-to-date accommodation prices.
* Prices are approximate. Make sure to check the latest exchange rates when planning your trip.


Explore hotels in Gao:

Day Trips

Top Day Trips from Gao:

General information

Mali general information:

Voltage: 220 V, Frequency: 50 Hz
  • Type C (European 2-pin)
  • Type E (French 2-pin)

Visa & Travel Requirements

Check Visa requirements for Mali on Sherpa

Always check with the destination country's embassy for the most up-to-date information on Visa requirements!

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