
Konye-Urgench, Turkmenistan
by Hergit
/ CC BY-SA 3.0
Planning a trip to Konye-Urgench?


Climate & Best time to visit Konye-Urgench

Climate in Konye-Urgench:

Best time to visit Konye-Urgench:

Spring (March to May):

  • Spring is considered one of the best times to visit Turkmenistan. The weather is mild, with temperatures ranging from 59°F to 86°F (15°C to 30°C).
  • It's an excellent time for cultural exploration and outdoor activities, such as visiting historical sites and exploring the Karakum Desert.

Summer (June to August):

  • Summer in Turkmenistan can be scorching, with temperatures exceeding 104°F (40°C). It's the hottest time of the year.
  • While the heat can be challenging, it's a good time to explore indoor attractions like museums in Ashgabat. Avoid the desert regions during the summer.

Autumn (September to November):

  • Autumn is another pleasant time to visit Turkmenistan. The weather is comfortable, with temperatures ranging from 68°F to 86°F (20°C to 30°C).
  • It's an ideal time for exploring natural wonders like the Yangykala Canyon and the historical ruins at Merv.

Winter (December to February):

  • Winter can be cold, especially in the mountainous areas, with temperatures sometimes dropping below freezing. The desert regions are milder.
  • While it's not the most popular time for tourism, it's a unique opportunity to experience the desert's tranquility and engage in traditional activities.

Money & Prices

Currency in Turkmenistan:

Turkmenistani manat (TMT)

How expensive is a trip to Konye-Urgench?

Eating out:
Simple meal:
32.65 USD
Fast food meal:
10.29 USD
Mid-range meal:
28.58 USD
Bottle of water:
0.83 USD
Soft drink:
2.99 USD
4.73 USD
Local Beer:
4.53 USD
Public transport - one way ticket:
0.30 USD
Taxi - 1km:
1.12 USD
Refer to the Hotels section for the most up-to-date accommodation prices.
* Prices are approximate. Make sure to check the latest exchange rates when planning your trip.


Explore hotels in Konye-Urgench:

General information

Turkmenistan general information:

Voltage: 220 V, Frequency: 50 Hz
  • Type C (European 2-pin)
  • Type F (German 2-pin, side clip earth)

Visa & Travel Requirements

Check Visa requirements for Turkmenistan on Sherpa

Always check with the destination country's embassy for the most up-to-date information on Visa requirements!

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