Northern Territory

Northern Territory, Australia
by Dietmar Rabich
/ CC BY-SA 4.0
Planning a trip to Northern Territory?


Climate & Best time to visit Northern Territory

Climate in Australia:

Number of rainy days:

J Jan
F Feb
M Mar
A Apr
M May
J Jun
J Jul
A Aug
S Sep
O Oct
N Nov
D Dec

Best time to visit Northern Territory:

The best time to visit can vary depending on which part of the territory you plan to explore:

  • Top End (Darwin, Kakadu National Park, Litchfield National Park):

    Dry Season (May to October): This is generally considered the best time to visit the Top End. The weather is dry, with lower humidity and fewer insects. It's ideal for exploring national parks, witnessing wildlife, and enjoying outdoor activities. Many cultural events and festivals also take place during this time.
  • Red Centre (Uluru, Alice Springs):

    Winter (June to August): This is the peak tourist season for the Red Centre due to milder temperatures during the day and cooler nights. It's an ideal time for exploring Uluru and other desert landscapes without the scorching heat.
  • Wet Season (November to April): While the wet season brings heavy rainfall and high humidity, it's a unique time to experience lush landscapes, impressive waterfalls, and vibrant flora. However, some roads may be inaccessible due to flooding, and there's a higher chance of encountering mosquitoes and other insects.

  • Shoulder Seasons (April/May and September/October): These months can also be good for visiting the Red Centre as temperatures are still moderate, and there are fewer crowds compared to the peak winter months.

Money & Prices

Currency in Australia:

Australian dollar (AUD)

How expensive is a trip to Northern Territory?

Eating out:
Simple meal:
15.04 USD
Fast food meal:
9.98 USD
Mid-range meal:
36.00 USD
Bottle of water:
1.16 USD
Soft drink:
2.62 USD
3.49 USD
Local Beer:
7.21 USD
Public transport - one way ticket:
3.11 USD
Taxi - 1km:
2.47 USD
Refer to the Hotels section for the most up-to-date accommodation prices.
* Prices are approximate. Make sure to check the latest exchange rates when planning your trip.


Explore hotels in Northern Territory:

General information

Australia general information:

Voltage: 230 V (officially, but in practice often 240 V), Frequency: 50 Hz
  • Type I (Australian/New Zealand & Chinese/Argentine 2/3-pin)

Visa & Travel Requirements

Check Visa requirements for Australia on Sherpa

Always check with the destination country's embassy for the most up-to-date information on Visa requirements!

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